
Dentist and Xango information

Monday, August 22, 2011

Do we have Scientific Validity for Natural Products?

I specifically advocate the use of Xango juice , Eleviv, and the New 365 Vitamins. However there are many good products out there and I must disclose that I am an independent Xango distributor (buying wholesale makes more sense than buying retail). Unlike other natural products, that lack third party scientific validity, I have found an abundance of validity with Xango LLC products. Check out some of the links on this site!
Xango juice is a whole fruit puree of the mangosteen fruit. It has been validated with scientific studies to reduce hs-CRP, which is a biological marker for inflammation. The mangosteen fruit which contains catechins, proanthocyadanins, stillbenes , vitamins, and minerals also possesses active ingredients called “xanthones”. There are xanthones that exhibit strong anti-inflammatory effects and xanthones that have strong anti-oxidant effects. There has been citation in the scientific literature of some xanthones acting as heavy metal chelators. Because of these activities I recommend using Xango juice one to two ounces per dosage two to three times per day as an adjunct while mercury fillings are being removed, it just makes good sense.
I discuss some of the scientific evidence and rational for Xango juice along with revisional dentistry on a great audio CD, called “ Mangosteen for the Oral Systemic Connection” . See the store banner on how to order the CD.

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